The Chapter (local affiliate) boundaries are listed below. Click on the name of the Chapter for a link to that Chapter's website or contact information:
Local Affiliate (Chapter) Map
"An MAA affiliate member is also a member of NAA. MAA provides a conduit through which a member learns about the latest rules, regulations, building codes, licensing, and inspection fees and penalties that are being implimented or proposed on a National, State, and Local level. Current issues include: broadening of the definition of fair housing, expansion of the lead-based paint regulations, building code changes, storm water runnoff regulations and penalties for existing properties, local inspection fees, landlord responsibility for unpaid utilities when a tenant vacates, bed bug mitigation responsibilities, and estate tax reform. Membership is the best way to stay informed on current laws and regulations and to avoid costly lawsuits or government fines and penalties.”
Owner, Jefferson West & Cliffside Apartments, Jefferson City, MO